Whewee! I probably use that word too much but it's better than the alternative! :) Today was one of those days. The kids were driving me super bonkers:
I swear Molly had PMS going on - crying for nothing but for 10 minutes at a time.
I asked the boys to empty the upstairs trash (most of it is theirs) and Jack puked cause he was grossed out by the "old" diapers. He tossed his Cocoa Krispies, then 1/2 wiped it up so I had to have him re-clean it.
Molly stripped herself naked a few times.
I got some ornaments for the kids to paint and have fun with, but that was over by 8:29am.
Fights over what to have for lunch.
Hunter came over and Molly woke him up after 30 minutes of a perfectly nice nap.
Bickering amongst the boys with the normal result, Mikie crying cause "Jack really hurt him" and Jack folding his arms over his chest ticked that Mike told on him.
A huge blob of grape jelly being flung to the floor in the kitchen and Jack telling me "you really should get some OxyClean, it gets out the toughest stains!"
Molly emptying a box of uncooked spaghetti noodles between the family room, dining room and kitchen.
Bean constantly wanting attention so she'd put her toy in your lap every 3 seconds, not remembering how I just told her 3 seconds ago that I didn't want it.
(A huge fun thing was Mikie getting to go bowling and out to lunch special with Grampa! That was really nice and he had a great time!)
All of the above being said, after we ate supper, the kids and I went to Qdoba for a bite since Erk was gonna be late - the evening ended on a good note. As the kids tackled and smacked each other in front of the Christmas tree in the family room... giggles heard amongst the yells, the Lord answered my prayers. I found myself praying on and off today for the strength to get thru the day. "Lord, please give me the patience, I just wanna be left alone!"
At that moment - sitting on the couch watching the boys tackle - the Lord granted me a light in the craziness. A flashback to the times when all I longed for was to be a mom. When I wished and hoped and prayed for a baby. And here I have 3 precious kids climbing on me and each other. We truly are blessed. Thank you Lord for opening my eyes to the wonder that even in chaos, these 3 kids truly are a gift. :)