Now I'm feeling kinda like a jerk for the jerky things I listed below about the kids. Sorry if it came on too strong, PMS was raging along with the things listed, so it made for a few days of NO patience whatsoever! But God is good, He's restored me back to normal Ernie and here's to hoping I won't sweat the small stuff :)
Erk and I went and looked at a house last night. I know, I know, here we go again. Well, we'll just have to see.
I went grocery shopping and ran a few misc errands this morning solo :) The kiddos are with mom and dad today and I must say, that helped my mental state a little too! I just updated some stuff in Quickbooks for our bizz and now hope to maybe digitally scrapbook. Oh wait, first I need to make some calls while the house is quiet. Shawna and I are hoping to have a digital scrapbook retreat in October and wanna host it at a local hotel. FUN or what? More soon!