Look at that technique!
Molly heard the music on and started gettin' down :)
Nice Mikie!
Here I sit with Bean dog dreaming and her paws jolting back and forth as if she were running. She’s laying on my legs. Rocky (he’s here overnight) is not too far either and seems to be having the same dream as Bean.
The kids are in bed – I must admit it was kinda sorta something I looked forward to today. I don’t really like to admit that, sounds terrible – but today my patience was worn. We went bowling this morning. The kids have anticipated it all week. Since they cancelled the kids portion of bowling tomorrow night for our church group, we figured we’d make it bowling one way or the other. Next time I think I’ll get someone to watch Mol! She wanted to touch all of the bowling balls and “help.” She wondered what all of the buttons were for and insisted at times it was “me turn!” WOMEN :) She’s so funny. The boys had fun for the most part – Jack was feeling like he had to wait too long for his turns, but who doesn’t remember feeling that way when you were a kid bowling?!
From there, we walked in town to lunch. That is truly something I enjoy – eating out with the kids. Having their undivided attention. Jack wasn’t too happy at his portion size of chicken strips, but admitted later that he was full. Molly had ants in her pants there too, but overall a very nice time.
Then on home for Mol’s nap and quiet time. Umm, not really quiet. The boys wanted to play their video game so we opted to do that. I say “we” cause they like me to play too and I do enjoy it. Then we went outside for a bit, they came in and were so loud they woke Mol up. By this point the boys are fighting non-stop. Those types of situations where I say out loud, “someone is gonna get hurt!” and 2 seconds later one of them comes to me crying, telling me what the other had done. Then 3 minutes later, the other one has retaliated for the previous act and I’m being told all the details. I encourage them to go outside. They want me to come too. I encourage them to find something to do – they want me to play too. It’s all good and wonderful, but a breather sometimes helps refill the patience tank. I’ll admit, knowing Erk will be gone thru Monday deer hunting makes it harder when you feel bored on day #1 of him being gone. Anywho – so we get the arts and crafts stuff out. That lasts about 10 minutes. It’s 2:30pm, what will we do now?
So we pull all of the recycling together and head out. The car needs gas, we have Pepsi cans to return, and I just used Molly’s last diaper. Wouldn’t ya know we ran into Mom at the store! It was so funny, we pulled in right next to her as she was getting out of her car. Mol was all about “where Nanny go?” once we parted ways in the store. Cute. She sure loves her Granny and Nanny!
Then we are back home. It’s 4:30p. Do I make dinner? What to do… The kids had picked out a toy each at the store and I told them on the way home that I didn’t wanna hear anyone was “bored” the rest of the day. By 5p Jack is “telling me” to make dinner. Humph. Needless to say, we did eat a pretty early, but with the gap between then and bedtime approaching, I perked up – as did they. And Bean and Rocky were chasing each other and barking. Jack started chasing Molly around the dining room table and they kept giggling. Mikie got a shoe thrown at him and Jack laughed, only to get punched back by Mike. Whew…
But here I am now, a quiet house. Here is a little funny side note, as I started to type this, Rocky went to the bedroom door (that’s shut to keep the light from keeping Mol awake) and started whining. Insistently enough that I knew somethin’ was up. So I quickly got up and he started the neck lurching that any dog owner knows. I ran down the stairs with him and quick opened the front door and out he went to “toss his cookies.” Bean went out too. I wondered to myself, “where is my camera?” I looked in all of the places I would normally put it and couldn’t find it. Hmmmm. “I bet it’s still in the car…” “Will it get cold tonight?” “I need to take better care of my camera…” So I went for it – slipped some shoes on and went to check the car. Our garage is a bit creepy in the dark but with 2 dogs out there? Funny part about this story is I’m in a long sleeve t-shirt and undies. There I am in the darkness of night with only the house light on, running out to the pitch black garage in my Fruit of the Loom MOM underwear (don’t worry, they are FULL coverage) only to find the car empty. The camera was in the case by the front door. Inside…