Saturday, October 3, 2009

Lap Dog?

Hey! Looks like I've been outta touch again for a few days! Mikie started it :) The stomach bug that we've all been fighting, that is. Thursday night the poor fella was up hourly pukin, so we took it pretty easy Friday. Over time I felt like poop, now Jack has it and Mol has had some signs. Hopefully Erk won't get it, but you know how these things go! It's certainly running around our house from person to person!

Now here I sit watching GH from Friday and Erk went upstairs to read. He's been lovin' reading lately - I should read too. I try to, but have a hard time sticking with a book. Bits and pieces I can do... Bean dog is asleep on the couch next to me, curled up in a tiny ball that makes (at least her) think she's a lap dog.