I know I should be sleeping right now, at least getting my bed pulled out and ready for sleep but I am enjoying this peace in the valley! Mol finally conked after she was dinking around (a GREAT sign but hey, a mom is a mom and it's my job to get her to chill and go to bed). Just when I was accomplishing that, they came in to flush her drain and she got worked up and puked (as stated above). So after sheets were torn off the bed, she was wiped down, new jammies were issued and she calmed down, she is now conked. So I watched GH on my laptop here and now wanted to fill you all in on the night's activities.
Ok, but I guess now that the nurse is in and it's getting later, I should probably take this window of time to sleep, who knows when an alarm will sound or Mol will wake up or the power will go out or who knows what! I'll chat with ya tomorrow (Good Lord willing)...