Sunday, July 25, 2010

Status (Sunday): MOLLY

This poor poor baby. She is now asleep with a sweaty head and letting out an occasional grunt. As we are mighty thankful that the fever has left (at least for the day today), she had a rough evening. We had some nice visitors again today - thank you all! When Nanny and Papa left, the nurse did her vitals one more time and then put a sign on our door that we were asleep and it was wonderful for me and Mousie to crash without interruption. We love the visitors and thoughtfulness of all who stop up, don't get me wrong, we are both just a little pooped...

So after her and my 2 hour nap, Pastor Riley came up. What a nice surprise, and a nice visit. He prayed with us and left. Then Granny and Grampa came up and Shawna too. During that time frame I decided to ask our nurse what exactly all is wrong in her belly. I have understood the "abscess" and appendix, but I haven't exactly been sure what was what. When one of the many docs we've met over the past few days told me "we couldn't see the appendix because of the size of the abscess" that confused me (I thought the abscess was the appendix) but that was simply stored in the back of my brain and I have been focused on this puss issue. So back to speaking with the nurse, she cleared it up for me (and Granny and Grampa sitting here). Get this...

Molly's appendix DID rupture. It did. The abscess is the puss and infection and crap that was blown outta the burst appendix that formed into a ball (so to speak) of nastiness that has been making her so sick. HUH? What? Why did I NOT UNDERSTAND this before? The nurse said that it's probably because doctors don't necessarily realize that they don't speak our language and they meant to tell us this, but in their words it was lost on us. So a ruptured appendix is the reason for all of this gunk and boy am I thankful her little body formed this nasty spot for the gunk to go so it didn't travel the "open road" in her poor little 2 year old body. No wonder in 6 weeks they will take her appendix - it's a popped balloon, a planet out in space that exploded. What the beak? And ohh my poor baby! When did the appendix rupture? There is no real saying...

So fast forward to after Granny and Grampa left and Shawna was here. They came in to give her some morphine for the pain and she started to cry saying her hand hurt. The nurse (who they had come up from the NICU to help out) checked her little right hand and noticed it was a tad puffy. Great. My heart sank. Really? Another IV needs to be put in. This poor baby cries when a nurse enters the room for fear someone is gonna cause her more pain. So in like 2 minutes 3 nurses come in, one a floor supervisor to take a look at the current IV. They are being gentle as they can, but let's face it, poor Molly was beside herself as I held my hand over her face (she likes me to be touching her face I've learned this week :( and they simply have to readjust it. Whew. No IV in the other hand or in her head or some other place. Ok. Well then comes the time to "flush her bag" of puss. Neat. She was sweating and crying and didn't know what end was up. Once all of that trauma was behind her, she slowly fell asleep lying next to me on her hospital bed while I visited with Shawna. Poor poor baby.

Looks like tomorrow morning they will be putting in another drain. So the crap we did yesterday will be repeated. The anesthesia, the new drain, the waiting room, the coming out of anesthesia, etc. Please pray for Miss Mol. She surely is a trooper but all of this hurts and my heart goes out to her - why can't they just poke and prod at ME?