Whewee! The kids each have a bouncie ball and they are all bouncing them right at this moment! Erk is about to take the boys out for a haircut. A bit later it's school carnival time! I'll be one of the 2 ladies running the cake walk from 11a - 1p. The kids and I spent some time at school yesterday afternoon helping to set up. They had fun running the halls while us moms taped down the cake walk/pop toss lines and set out prizes. It sure is fun to be a part of the carnival this year behind the scenes. And the mom at school who set this whole thing up!? HUGE kudos Celene!
CUPCAKE FUNNY: I stood there looking over the cupcakes yesterday afternoon with a reoccurring thought running thru my mind... how am I going to transport all of these things!? Brilliant, I went out in the garage and grabbed a big board. Loaded up 9 containers of cupcakes in the kitchen and headed out. Well, the heading out didn't go so smooth. You see, with an old house you don't have very wide doorways. And when the board is full of cupcakes, you can't tilt it. So my first obstacle was getting from the kitchen to the den. The board was the exact width of the doorway, so I had to move my hands just so to support the board as well as balance the goodies on top. Once thru that doorway, I looked ahead to my next. The front door? I'm not sure. NOPE. So I had to take 9 pans out to the porch and set them outside, bring the board out and replace them all on top. It fit nicely into the truck and made for a good ride over to school, but then we barely fit into the school doors! Whew! I was sweatin' it. At least now this morning with batch #2, aka the other 1/2 of the cupcakes, I won't load them up until they are all on the porch!