Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Letting (them) Go

Mikie has been asking me for the past few days if I'd come to school to see them get off the bus and head to the playground. I kept telling him I would. Then this morning he was a bit on the fence, Jack didn't want me to so I told Mikie I wasn't gonna do it. I told him how big he is and he has is bro there. I told him he'd probably not even wave or anything at me, he'd just do his own thing (as he should) so I would just let them get on the bus and I wouldn't follow. So that's just how it went.

it should be noted: two minutes before the bus came, Mikie had to go #2. FIGURES. Nerves I'm sure. I told him he'll have to hold it, there is NO time! He was afraid, but it passed. So we were all glad. I have it all on video - I set the video camera on the porch to record it :)

Back to the school followin' situation. I didn't follow the bus, Mol and I sat on the porch and for a second I got a lump in my throat as the reality set in that the boys are at school. Wow. Mol and I then came inside and I said outloud, "Mol, let's go to school!"

So we plopped in the truck and headed to school. As we got there their bus was leaving, empty. We missed it. But that was fine. I did the right thing by not chasing it. I know I need to let go some time, and I'm sure Mikie got off that bus and ran to the playground without looking back for me. At least I hope so...