I know many pets are quirky. But this one? She absolutely cracks us up. I’m sure I’ve told you she refuses to eat any veggies or fruits, right? If we have food off a dinner plate that we scrape into her bowl – if it has say green beans, she will eat everything BUT the beans. Fruit? Forget it! The plate is spotless, except for that little mashed banana that was there from Molly. This morning she made us laugh pretty good.
We had scrambled eggs for breakfast, which this animal LOVES. Well, Molly didn’t quite finish hers and since no one dares to eat her leftovers, we gave them to Bean. They had ketchup on them. Bean wouldn’t touch it. She sniffed and backed away like she could hardly believe we would even try to pull that on her. “Ketchup? Umm, made of TOMATOES, hello!” she was thinking. Hilarious! Refused to eat them.
Soon after, she is terrorizing the boys while they are playing with their cars, standing right in the way, whining as if she’s talking. Opening doors, moving blinds out of the way so she can see out the window better. This animal is cracked… And that’s why we had to do this to her – it totally fits who she is – NUTS!
We had scrambled eggs for breakfast, which this animal LOVES. Well, Molly didn’t quite finish hers and since no one dares to eat her leftovers, we gave them to Bean. They had ketchup on them. Bean wouldn’t touch it. She sniffed and backed away like she could hardly believe we would even try to pull that on her. “Ketchup? Umm, made of TOMATOES, hello!” she was thinking. Hilarious! Refused to eat them.
Soon after, she is terrorizing the boys while they are playing with their cars, standing right in the way, whining as if she’s talking. Opening doors, moving blinds out of the way so she can see out the window better. This animal is cracked… And that’s why we had to do this to her – it totally fits who she is – NUTS!