Hey all - as you can see, we surely had a great time on vacation! Wish we were still there! Especially with the snowflakes that are fallin' this morning. Molly is making a mess - got the pretzels and dip out and yeah, now I have to vacuum, and the boys are both back at school. We pulled in about 10p last night. I bet they are pooped at school today, but they were ready to head back. Good thing they both have tomorrow off, we'll chill out all day :)
We had an excellent house watcher while we were gone, Rocky even came to stay! Janet came and took good care of the place (she even vacuumed) so we really appreciated that. Looks like Bean or Rocky puked upstairs a few times so we'll have to get the ol' carpets cleaned. But we were glad she left Rock here (we asked her to) it sure helped Miss Ho Hum better enjoy her time alone!
Better get those pretzel crumbs up. It's good to be home, but we'd still love to be there with you guys Nan and Pa!