Well Miss Molly is down for bed now and Erk took the boys to get some hot chocolate while watching the skiiers at a nearby ski place so I'm chillin' out! Kinda literally, it's freezing!
Today, Erk and I dove into Quickbooks. That is not a small task, but one we've been putting off for a long time! We didn't start out doing it right, but then got the hang of it (after a few hours!) and ended up putting in all of our orders/amounts/tax stuff for now. Seems as though there is still a lot we don't know, but we'll get there. The big thing is that we got started. That was a big mountain for us! It was nice to enter in 2 orders that are currently in our inbox :) One of which was Georgia lady again! YIPEE! That makes 3 orders from her. What a sweetheart she is too!
I hope you've had a good one. Ohh, we had "sticky buns" this morning from a place in town that were delish. Erk went and picked up 6 of them, between us 5 we couldn't even polish off 3! But tonight when it came to burgers on the grill? Erk made 7 and only a 1/2 remained! Molly ate an entire burger, bun and all. She's nuts!
Good night, sleep well -