My phone has been dorked for 2 days now and I'm really hoping the FedEx guy comes soon to give me my replacement. One of the places I can't stand most going to is the Verizon store. Hate it. Go in there, wait, wait, only to be talked to about something you don't want... wait some more. But yesterday I had to buck up and do it. Molly was touching my phone Monday night and I have no idea what she did, but it's dorked. It wants to connect to my computer and so it runs like it's thinking constantly and ticks. Tick. Tick. Ticks me off!
So the trip to the Verizon store went pretty well actually, the kids were all very good (helped that the nice reception lady gave them suckers) and the girl working there had no idea what the beak was going on with my phone. She asked me a few things about it, like why my "red" button sticks, I told her it always has. She couldn't even reboot the phone cause it wouldn't let her. Hence the waiting for FedEx guy. I hope it's today! Of all weeks to be down with my phone, we are trying to tie up lose ends with the retreat and I don't like feeling like I can't be reached! So that's where my email comes in especially handy.
A few mornings ago, Mol and I loaded up our recycling stuff and headed for the bins up the road. I am new to this world of recycling, although I've felt the need for a long time with all of the waste we have, but just recently am committed to keeping on top of it. As you can see, Molly doesn't mind when it's being loaded and collected, but Bean does. She wishes it would stick around. She wants it all. Plastic milk jugs, apple juice containers. And here I thought she only wanted in the mud room because of the bones!